Back to Blogging

Several years ago, I took down the original Apheus blog because I simply could not manage all of the comments. I felt a responsibility to personally respond to my readers. Even with thousands of visitors each month and the fact that it was actually generating revenue, I had to take it down.

That was a mistake. So after much consideration, I have decided to start blogging again.

Of course, I’m going to be using WordPress as my blogging platform, but with some major changes. As many people already know, I have talked at length at how much I dislike WordPress for building general websites. However, I have to admit that it is perfect for blogging. It was built as a blogging platform and that’s how I intend to use it.

One of the changes I decided to implement was segregating the hosting for this website from my other hosting platforms. For reasons of security, maintenance, and monitoring, I felt it was important to isolate the WordPress websites from our concrete5 websites. Virtually all of the websites hosted by Apheus are built on the concrete5 content management system, but we do host a few WordPress sites for customers.

The plan is to slowly migrate those customers to the new hosting platform. It will take some time, but I want to make sure each site migration goes perfectly without any issues. I hate issues.

One of the other changes I’ve made is disabling comments. I’m not going to get myself wrapped up in trying to reply to each question left for me in the comments. It’s just not going to happen.

The other big change I’m going to make is adding show notes from my Tech Talk program on WTCA. Every Tuesday morning, I try to pack as much information into the half-hour show as I can. I think that adding show notes would definitely help listeners follow up on what is discussed. I’ll try to keep it as concise as possible.

Overall, I think this going to be a great adventure.